Keep Learning...Keep Growing

  • Beginning Weds. April 8 weekly learning packets will be ready when meals are picked up at the school.  Any packets not picked up will be mailed to students. Return the learning packets to school for feedback the next week. 

    For those with internet access, the links below will take you to websites that support a lesson.  


    in addition to the math in our weekly learning packet, please log in to i-Ready and complete lessons.  




    Log in and complete 20 minutes of Lexia two times a week:


    one i-Ready reading lesson two times a week:

    Social Studies Weekly

    Students will use the same word for the login and the password.  I included them on each student's distance learning packet.  Email me if you don't know your login/password.


    Follow this link to access the science we use at school.


    optional resources for students


    This link will allow students free to access all Scholastic magazines