K-12 Learning Standards
Entiat School District utilizes several research and evidence-based assessments to support student learning. Our PK - 12 teachers collaborate regularly to review student assessment results to remediate, meet, and extend student learning needs. This approach to data-driven instruction helps teachers inform and differentiate their standards-based instruction for all our students. For more information on Washtingon State Learning Standards, see below..
- The Arts (2017)
- Computer Science (2018)
- Early Learning (birth through 3rd grade) (N/A)
- Educational Technology (2018)
- English Language Arts (2011)
- English Language Proficiency (2021)
- Environment and Sustainability (2009)
- Financial Education (2016)
- Health and Physical Education (2016)
- Mathematics (2011)
- Science (2013)
- Social Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks (2020)
- Social Studies (2018)
- World Languages (2015)
District Assessments
- Taken in the Fall, Winter, and Spring for grades K-5
iReady Diagnostic (ELA and Math)
- Taken in the Fall, Winter, and Spring for grades K-8 (Math) and K-5 (Reading)
NWEA Math, ELA, and Science
- Taken in the Fall, Winter and Spring for grades 9-12 (Math), grades 6-12 (ELA), and grades 4-12 (Science)
- Seniors are not required to complete the Spring Tests
State Assessments
Smarter Balanced (ELA and Math)
- Taken in the Spring for grades 3-8, and 10 (Graduation Pathway requirement)
Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science
- Taken in the Spring for grades 5, 8, and 11 (for Federal and State Accountability)
WA-Kids (Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Skills)
- Taken in the Fall for Kindergarten
- Taken by K-12 English Language Learner to determine eligibility in the program
- Taken by K-12 English Language Learners annually to determine ongoing eligibility and growth
- Taken by cognitive or developmentally delayed students grades 3-11, who qualify for an IEP. The alternative assessment is provided in reading and math, and is another means for meeting a students' graduation Pathway.